Disaster Recovery: Cloud vs. In-house IT

disater recoveryTraditional infrastructure is extremely vulnerable to a number of threats including, viruses, human error, hardware failure, software corruption, power outages and unforeseeable natural disasters such as floods and fires. The beauty of the cloud is that if a business loses data for any of these reasons they can be back up and running immediately. If a business is using traditional infrastructure and is basing their disaster recovery on tape, online backup or other methods this recovery could take weeks or months. In fact a recent study performed by Aberdeen Group found that businesses which used cloud based backup were able to resolve data based issues in 2.1 hours, which is nearly four times faster than businesses that didn't have the cloud, they averaged around 8 hours.

Disaster Recovery Times

One rather daunting statistic regarding in-house data centers comes from the National Archives & Records Administration in Washington. They found that 93% of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster, filed for bankruptcy within a year. 50% of companies that found themselves without data management for this same time period filed for bankruptcy immediately. These companies could have been back up and running in no time had they been using a cloud based backup system.

Bankruptcy after a data loss

The morale of the story here is that no matter what infrastructure you may use, make sure you have a comprehensive backup plan. When you are looking into creating a plan have a look at cloud backup, and make sure it is right for your business. You can find out more about backup in the cloud from our cloud report below.

Written By: Sam Watkinson

To learn more about cloud backup check out our free cloud report!

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