
The Intel NUC – Your Portal to the Cloud.

I’ve got to tip my hat to the men and women over at Intel; they really understand your needs and the needs of others like you.

For the last couple of years I have been following a product that isn’t getting the press or the fanfare it deserves. The Intel NUC (pronounced nook, and stands for Next Unit of Computing) is a four inch by four inch device that packs a serious punch.

How you are already using the Cloud every single Day

It’s 2014. The Year of the Cloud. Some of us still aren't sure if the Cloud is right for us. But how do I know when it’s the right time for me? (By the way, we show you exactly what you need to know about the cloud to help you with this decision in our free cloud report here, shameless plug over).

I see it everywhere, it’s all around me.

How the Cloud is changing Education for the better

The cloud offers several great advantages: accessibility, collaboration, storage and backup are just a few. Now many of us already know this, the amazing thing is what different industries are accomplishing with these capabilities. Each industry, be it legal, healthcare or financial have all been finding ways to retrofit these capabilities to their specific needs.

Why you don’t need to move 100% into the Cloud right now

There's an old joke that goes: How do you eat an elephant? Well, one bite at a time of course! This approach can also apply to companies considering moving from in-house IT to the cloud in support of their business. It can be a daunting and drawn out process dealing with the integration, security and data privacy concerns that come with moving fully into the cloud.

How this Fathers Day was all about the Cloud

It was a great Father’s Day this year. The temperature was perfect and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. However, no matter the weather or what we did to celebrate it seemed the Cloud was following us around everywhere we went. Let’s take a look at how the Cloud changed even my Father’s Day:

First on the agenda was a Father’s Day classic that technology could never change; Breakfast in bed.

3 Issues that the Cloud can help to fix right now

Earlier in the year, I wrote a blog about why 2014 is the perfect time for SMBs to move to the cloud. Now, as I look at the 2014 calendar, it shows me that we are almost half way through the year and summer is just about here! In my article, I wrote about one of the most significant technology advances in 25 years that really took off full swing in 2013, and how now it is not only easy but now extremely important for small to medium sized businesses (SMB) to move to the cloud right away.

Doctors improve cancer care with the cloud and big data

Big data has already transformed government and industry, granting never before seen insight into how the world works. Now doctors and the medical world are beginning to apply this new insight into cancer treatment. The American Society of Clinical Oncologists now has a working prototype for a "learning health system" called CancerLinQ. This system collects and analyzes cancer care data from the millions of patients that are treated for cancer each year from around the country.