TOSS Corporation invites you to attend
A Meet & Greet Cloud Luncheon at Eric’s La Patisserie!
We are pleased to announce that TOSS Corporation and Eric’s La Patisserie will be hosting an educational luncheon on the Cloud. Key topics to be covered will be:
- What is the cloud?
- What are the main benefits of the cloud?
- How can these cloud solutions apply to your business?
- You’ll even get to touch and see this great technology in action
Please join us for an immersive tour through the TOSS Cloud. See how your company can look and function in the cloud with demonstrations from TOSS President & CEO, Greg Hanna. There will also be some holiday surprises along the way, tis the season after all!
Refreshments will be served at 11:30 during a meet and greet with the TOSS team, followed by Lunch and Discussion from 12:00 to 1:00.
When: Tuesday, December 17
Itinerary: 11:30 Doors open 12:00 Lunch & Discussion 1:00 Closing Q&A
Where: Eric’s La Patisserie Worcester Plaza, 4th Floor
446 Main Street Worcester, MA 01608