The brains behind the cloud
Without entering into the realm of what the cloud is, why it’s more an evolution of technology rather than the next trend, or discussing the hardware that is responsible for service delivery; let’s skim the surface of the software that is the cloud.
The Software Behind The Cloud: Where The Power Really Comes From
A Day in the Cloud
Not too long ago the cloud used to be nothing more than a large fluffy thing in the sky, oh how times have changed. Nowadays “cloud” means so much more and it seems like everything we use in our daily lives involves the cloud in one way or another.
From the moment I wake up in the morning I am instantly sent to the cloud.
Better safe than sorry, how to approach Cloud Security
I ride a motorcycle. I ride it to work, I tool around on back roads every opportunity I have, do the occasional weekend trip and a cross country ride is on my bucket list. Before I ride I always do a pre-ride check to make sure there are no issues with the bike and I ALWAYS ride defensively.
Top 7 Cloud Security Questions Answered
Question: What if my Internet connection goes down for an extended period of time?
Our Answer: While this is a valid concern, TOSS C3 offers a service called WAN-UP™ which takes two or more wired and or wireless internet services from different providers and connects them to the supplied 24/7 managed appliance.
Is SaaS right for you?
The idea of providing software to customers for a fee without the need for investments in IT infrastructure or staff has been around for decades. In the 1970s it was called Timesharing. Back then, companies utilized Timesharing services as their primary source of IT applications or as an extension of in-house IT applications, thereby avoiding additional infrastructure investments.
How the Cloud is helping to map Crime
Crime mapping has been around for years, it dates back to the 1800's and the New York City Police department has been using it to track criminal patterns since the early 1900's. Now with increased technology we are seeing the cloud help to track the country's criminals.
How to prevent the iCloud celebrity photo hack from happening to you
For most of us having intimate photos leaked to millions of people on the internet would be an absolutely horrifying event. Unfortunately this is exactly what happened to multiple high profile celebrities last week, not a great way to spend your Labor Day.
The Future of Education is in the Cloud
One of the most useful applications for the cloud is in education. With the help of cloud technology schools will be able to provide more effective resources to students while spending less. Students can now go to school online for a fraction of the cost of a full time college, there are even resources online that are completely free of charge changing the education landscape entirely, all thanks to cloud computing.
How Groupon used the Cloud to become the fastest growing Company ever
As I sit here on vacation, wading in the nice fresh water of Lake Winnipesaukee and breathing in the fresh New Hampshire air, I find myself with my iPad connected to the Cloud and the world as if I were sitting at home. With my Newstand app I can download the latest issue of my favorite tech magazine, CPU: Computer Power User (in case you were wondering), stream all my music through iTunes and even let my son watch the latest Mickey Mouse episode with the Disney Junior app.
How Law Firms can take advantage of the Cloud
Its no secret that more and more law firms are adopting cloud computing for their practices. This infographic shows just how law firms can take advantage of the cloud.